Montessori Kindergarten

Montessori Kindergarten

Our Montessori Kindergarten combines the principles of Montessori education with the rich cultural heritage of Ghanaian education which has led to the emergence of a unique and effective approach to early childhood education. This hybrid model provides a holistic education that addresses the cognitive, emotional, and cultural needs of our children.
Montessori education focuses on promoting independence, self-direction, and hands-on learning. It provides children with the freedom to explore and learn. On the other hand, Ghanaian education is characterized by a strong emphasis on culture, socialization, and community values.

The hybrid of Montessori and Ghanaian education takes the best of both worlds to create an environment that fosters a love of learning while instilling cultural values and traditions. The approach emphasizes a child-centered and culturally responsive curriculum that promotes self-discovery and cultural understanding.
Our classrooms are designed to promote exploration and independence, with low shelves and a variety of hands-on learning materials that stimulate the senses. 
The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, including;

  • Language which includes the use of the Montessori Language Approach (Pink, Blue and Green Series) and the use of Jolly Phonics. This approach helps our children pick up early reading and become excellent readers at the end of Kindergarten which prepares them fully for Primary Education.
  • Mathematics which includes the use of the Montessori Math approach as well as abstract concepts. At the end of Kindergarten, children are able to write their numbers, work on simple addition, multiplication and subtraction and are able to solve basic word problems.
  • Science which helps children develop a natural curiosity about the world around them. Through hands-on experimentation, critical thinking and exploration, children learn to ask questions, make observations, and draw conclusions based on their own experiences.
  • Geography which introduces children to the world, different countries, cultures, and peoples of the world. Through hands-on activities, children learn about the physical and cultural features of different regions, and how they are interconnected.
  • Art which provides children with opportunities to express themselves creatively and develop their aesthetic senses. Our Arts education provides children with various forms of artistic expression, such as drawing, painting, moulding, drama, music and dancing. It helps children express themselves in unique and meaningful ways and build confidence in their creative abilities.
  • History which introduces children to the concept of time and sequence of events. Children learn about the past, present, and future, and develop an understanding of historical events.
  • Practical Life which is cornerstone of the Montessori curriculum. It provides children with opportunities to engage in real-world activities and develop practical skills that they will use throughout their lives and their environments. Children learn how to dress themselves, care for their own hygiene, and prepare simple foods and snacks among others which promotes independence and self-reliance.
  • Sensorial which develops sensory awareness using Montessori Sensorial materials. This is designed to help children refine and develop their senses of sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell. Through exploration and manipulation of the materials, children become more aware of the sensory characteristics of the world around them.
  • Rhymes and Songs which requires children in a fun way to memorize and recall songs, which enhances their memory and concentration skills. This is an important skill for learning in areas such as reading and writing.
  • French of which our children learn as a second language. This improves their cognitive abilities such as problem-solving skills, memory, and multitasking abilities. When children learn French, they develop these skills at a young age, which can benefit them throughout their academic and personal lives.
  • Ghanaian Language (Twi) which makes our students improve their communication skills. Children who learn a Ghanaian language can become more confident in their ability to communicate effectively with people who speak the language, including family members, friends, and acquaintances and develop a sense of pride in their own cultural heritage.
  • Religious and Moral Education (R.M.E) where children learn about religion and religious tolerance.
  • Our World, Our People (O.W.O.P) where children learn to develop their knowledge, understanding, skills and competences in making right choices regarding personal development and well-being and develop the awareness of people in their immediate environment and the wider community and society. 

The hybrid approach places a strong emphasis on social and emotional development, with activities designed to promote self-awareness, empathy, and respect for others. Children learn to work collaboratively, take turns, and resolve conflicts peacefully, all of which are essential life skills.

One of the key benefits of this hybrid model is that it combines the strengths of both Montessori and Ghanaian education, resulting in a well-rounded education that prepares children for success in both local and global contexts. Children develop a deep sense of cultural pride and identity while acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today's globalized world.

Due to this approach, our kindergarten students upon graduation are able to fully fit in our accelerated system of learning in the Primary School whereby children actually do a year’s work ahead.

Beehive School’s hybrid of Montessori and Ghanaian education is a powerful approach to early childhood education that promotes independence, cultural awareness, and academic excellence. By providing children with a well-rounded education that addresses their cognitive, emotional, and cultural needs, this approach sets them on a path towards a fulfilling and successful life.